The Art of Living Well. Celebrating Life!


2 October 2019 Food & Drink 0
easy recipes anyone

A true food connoisseur will be familiar with the “Gambero Rosso” brand. Founded by Slow Food movement creator, Stefano Bonilli, the Gambero Rosso restaurant directory was introduced in 1986 as a 7-page newspaper insert. It quickly became a respected title, printing its first guide Vini D’Italia in 1987, and its first Italian restaurant guide just 3 years later. It evolved into a monthly publication, hailed as the foremost guide for gourmands,enthusiasts and professionals, and began publishing a quarterly version in English as well. Then, in 2002 the guide’s national and international success led to the much-awaited opening of Gambero Rosso’s Città del Gusto in Rome. The 108 000 square-foot space comprises a world-renowned culinary school and the studios for Gambero Rosso Channel. Its success led Gambero Rosso to open similar locations in Naples, Catania and Palermo. Read More