Category: Cocktails

The Art of Living Well. Celebrating Life!


Hard work pays off! If you need some inspiration today, the pages of Eleganza Magazine are the perfect place to be. Now in Canada for over 2 decades, Omer Akkus has reached great success thanks to his entrepreneurial spirit, personal drive, and values that he believes are at the foundation of everything he has built…
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7 February 2023 0

The 5 à 7 tradition is alive and well.

Shaken or stirred? Stirring seems so simple, but when it comes to cocktails, merely spinning a spoon won’t get you that well mixed drink you crave. There’s an art to stirring cocktails and with a little practice, you’ll be an expert. The famous question that leaves many a person puzzled. Shaking is the process of…
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21 May 2017 0